Back to Clare! I'm someone who has read and laughed out loud at both Carol's novels. She manages to combine hilarious and irreverent writing with expert medical knowledge, accurate observation and real human understanding and insight. A heady mix! And the sex is often hilarious too! To win a free paperback copy of Carol's book, Hampstead Fever, enter her Goodreads Giveaway (until Sept 3rd) How to connect with Carol and BUY HER BOOKS! Buy Hampstead Fever on Amazon: myBook.to/HF Buy One Night at the Jacaranda on Amazon: myBook.to/ONATJ FB Author page: https://www.facebook.com/onenightatthejacaranda/ Twitter: @DrCarolCooper Blog: http://pillsandpillowtalk.com Pinterest: https://uk.pinterest.com/drcarolcooper/