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It's not all about the word count: inside a writing retreat


Updated: Jan 23

I’ve been doing writing retreats for ten years. Not the sort with tutors but ones where you can hunker down and do some serious writing away from the distractions and interruptions of home.

My first ever retreat was in Devon, to a place I returned numerous times. Working alone in my bedroom all day, taking walks through the countryside, enjoying having food cooked for me, a glass of wine brought to my room at wine o’clock, and writerly chat over dinner and around a roaring log fire made for a highly productive time.

I’ve also tried going off on my own but generally find it less productive, not to mention a bit lonely. A week spent in France alone – when I wrote over 20,000 words – was a notable exception.

I’ve just completed a second retreat with a group of close writer friends. Six of us (plus a ghost) spent four days in 2021 at Goddards in Surrey. As is often the case for me, I take inspiration from location and Goddards and the Arts & Craft movement found their way into my new novel The Colour of Glass – out on June 1st.  But this month the same group – minus one but with two others – headed down to Cornwall to stay in a fabulous six-bedroom house overlooking St Michael’s Mount in Marazion – a view to die for.

How did it work out?

We chose not to organise ourselves too much – no writing sprints, no exercises, no readings. Some didn’t write at all, preferring to fill the creative well by exploring the area or – in the case of one – taking amazing photography (Jean Gill is a pro! – that’s her image at the top of the page of cormorants at Land’s End). One was researching the area for a novel that will be set there. Some of us wrote. Some did “desk research”. There were lots of impromptu conversations about writing, publishing and researching. We spent a morning having a round table discussion and sharing of ideas on marketing. We celebrated Liza Perrat’s birthday and the publication day for Debbie Young’s latest book.

By the end of the week everyone claimed to have got what they wanted and needed. The house was perfect for writing and reading as there were two big living rooms and a huge kitchen with a long table as well as an island – so plenty of room to work – and easy to designate one area for silent working. We went out several times to local hostelries to eat and the rest of the time whoever fancied doing the cooking did so. Much wine consumed and much fun had.

I’ve tried going to places without Wi-Fi and phone signal but have decided that’s not so great. Being unable to connect if you need to look something up can be frustrating. My French retreat was meant to be without Wi-Fi but turned out to be connected – a huge boon as I could listen to the radio while cooking and watch a movie in the evening after I finished working. Last year I had another great time in Cornwall – at Mousehole with another of my author friends, Carol Cooper. We were able to thrash out plot difficulties, bounce ideas and encourage each other.

Most of all though, it’s the quiet companionship of fellow writers while working and the chance for so many lively discussions and debates over meals, that make writing retreats an essential part of this writer’s year.

Here’s a selection of the covers of the latest books by my fellow retreating authors! Highly recommended reading!

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