Possible writerly inspiration
I've decided to add this section to the end of all my Round the World posts. Nothing here that immediately grabbed me personally – but lots of ideas! feel free to steal!
The story of a pirate captured by the Spanish and thrown into the filthy dungeon. Who might he meet there? How might they escape? What would be his revenge?
A young boy born into a family of cliff divers, is absolutely terrified about the idea of diving off those cliffs. His personal struggles, his decision not to do it, the contempt he receives from his father and brothers and the other divers. What kind of future will he make for himself? How will he prove to his family that he is as much a man as them?
A naive young woman is spirited away on a trip to Acapulco by a B movie star. How does she escape his clutches? What becomes of her?
A man who has everything – power, money, property, loses his only son in a terrible tragedy, As a result, his marriage breaks up, he loses his sense of purpose and he believes he has wasted his life. He comes to Acapulco, determined to end it all by leaping from the cliffs to his death. What happens? What does he learn? How does the experience change him?
These are just a few random possibilities. But I hope it shows how you can take more or less any situation and make a story out of it.