I was afraid my upset stomach would prevent me visiting – but I had no trouble on that score. Never one to cope well in heat I found the island one of the hardest to cope with from the point of view of temperature. Boiling hot and incredibly humid. I suspect this may have been exacerbated by having been ill and feeling quite weak. As a result I walked around the island leaving puddles of sweat behind me and my soaking hair and clothes stuck to me! I could have done with Nellie's shower and shampoo!
I had a couple of hours to kill before my arranged 4X4 trip and wandered around the tiny main street, between art shops and pearl shops. I was not in the mood for conspicuous consumption so resisted even the pareos. I know 'responsible tourism' says one should spend money locally to help their economies, but buying things i neither need nor want goes against the grain. Maybe it's because I've done so much travelling in my time and know all too well that most purchases end up in the charity shop.Feeling guilty about hanging around in air conditoned pearl shops and art galleries, I braved the outside again and sat under a tree reading until it was time to meet the 4X4 driver and my small group.